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Louisa Zhang

Vitamin D –The Sunshine Vitamin

Updated: Mar 13, 2021

Important fact

Vitamin D is so vital that the body makes its own from sunlight on the skin

A few weeks ago I went for my medical and was so shocked to discover that I am deficient in Vitamin D

Maybe I had been too complacent or arrogant even. Why ?

😊 I get my morning sunshine daily

😊 My breakfast consists of cereals, kefir and soya milk which are fortified with vitamin D

😔 But no my doctor says that obviously was not enough!

😊 So I am now taking 1000 i u of Vitamin D daily

Why do we need Vitamin D ?

😊 Bone and muscle health - Helps prevent Osteoporosis or brittle bone disease and fractures

😊 Do you remember as kids we all had to take cod liver oil (good source of vitamin D) to prevent respiratory infection

😊 It makes sense that vitamin D may protect against Covid 19, a respiratory disease or reduce severity if infected

😊 May reduce the risk of developing advanced cancers

😔 Deficiency causes fatigue and also joint pain

😔 Lifts mood due to depression

A very important point to remember is that COVID-19 is more deadly in people with obesity - even if they’re young. Could deficiency of Vitamin D be one of the many factors to contribute to this outcome ?

Some experts suggest that excess fat cells dilute the vitamin in the body of obese individuals


Food sources

Important Fact –Not many foods contain Vitamin D

Check with a qualified nutritionist/dietitian for Vitamin D supplements


What blocks the sunshine vitamin ?

🧓 Ageing skin – 70 year old make only 25% compared to young ones

💄 Cosmetics - Make up with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) reduces the vitamin by as much as 99%!

🧑🏾‍ People with darker skin and conservative dressing need to get more exposure to the morning sun

Louisaz says get your daily dose of sunshine for several health benefits

Reference :

1) A Pilot Randomised Clinical study –The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 29 August 2020

2) "Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplements on Development of Advanced Cancer" JAMA Network Open DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.25850

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